Shipping & Delivery Support

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Shipping & Delivery Support

What Can you Ship?

Be prepared before you ship! We provide assistance in finding the right shipping solutions to deliver a vast variety of goods and commodities around the world for our customers. Ensuring all shipments travel safely and securely throughout the global network is of utmost importance, so it’s essential you are aware of guidelines and restrictions for the items you are shipping. Which goods can be shipped and shipping requirements may vary from destination to destination, local laws and regulations. Some goods may only require a shipping label, while other items may require additional documentation, specific packaging, labels and package markings. We are here to help you all the way through.

The Path of a Package

Watch how your package travels and learn how we can help you with each step of the journey.

Pack for the Trip

Careful packing will prepare your shipment for the journey.
Find out what you can and cannot ship
Consider shipment protection

Get Documents Ready

Be sure to include all the required shipment documents.
In many cases you’ll need to prepare a customs invoice
Local customs regulations may require additional documents

Get It to Merconia

Once your goods are ready for delivery, do not hesitate to contact us!
We are ready to help you with picking them up and support you during the process of delivery to the final destination.


Cruise at 500+ Miles Per Hour

As your shipment moves around the world within the global network, you can track online or receive instant notifications directly from the logistics providers. Each status update includes real-time shipment progress.

Clearing Customs

To avoid making mistakes with the customs formalities, it is vital to have a competent expert at your side to support you throughout the entire customs procedure for imports, exports or transit traffic. That’s why you can rely on us for customs services support.


To ensure the highest level of service, Merconia assists you all the way through until your shipment reaches its final destination.