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  • Yorkshire Agricultural Machinery Show back for 2023
admin January 30, 2023 0 Comments

Award-winning agricultural event YAMS is back for 2023 next month.

Purchasing farm machinery remains one of the biggest decisions that farmers and agricultural contractors ever have to make and one event that has given Yorkshire’s farming community the perfect platform to view all of the latest equipment returns next month.

The Yorkshire Agricultural Machinery Show (YAMS), held at the York Auction Centre in Murton, will take place for the ninth time since its inception on Wednesday, February 8, and all indications are that it looks to be back to full capacity, with the prospect of about 250 tradestands for the 15,000-plus that made it a record-breaking attendance in 2022.

Such has been the success of YAMS that it has now also become an award-winner taking the Rural Event of the Year Award at the recent Rural Awards held at the Pavilions of Harrogate.

Founder and organiser Richard Tasker said that he is able to look forward to YAMS 2023 with a great deal more positivity than in the lead up to YAMS 2022.

“This time last year, there were rising numbers of Covid cases and restrictions on large gatherings of people. It wasn’t until the week before YAMS that we were able to talk with any real certainty of it definitely going ahead despite the amount of planning we had been committed to.

“It was a difficult time for everyone as the restrictions that had been in place over the previous 18 months had impacted on staffing numbers available for those with tradestands and a very real lack of product availability.

YAMS 2023 takes place next month

“But when the day of YAMS came around the sun shone kindly on us and we were taken aback by the numbers that attended, which even at a cautious estimate from numbers of cars and coaches on the YAMS car parks was well in excess of 15,000.”

Those figures proved beyond any doubt that YAMS has become a farming institution since its more modest start-up in 2014 and Richard said that the event shows no signs of abating.

Yorkshire is a hotbed of the farm machinery world. Some of the top agricultural machinery businesses in the UK are located in the county – Claas UK and Ripon Farm Services – and also in the top 20 in the UK are Peacock & Binnington and Russell’s.

The early part of the year is always a major decision-making time for those purchasing new farm machinery. It is a period when everyone has the opportunity to spend a little time looking around at what will work best and suit what they are trying to do.

Looking at new products on the market that will help reduce expenditure, improve soil management or increase efficiency are all major considerations.

YAMS brings everything together on one show site and provides that perfect platform for everyone to see everything, touch everything, and do business, as well as also providing the first big social event in Yorkshire’s farming calendar.

YAMS has on-field parking at York Auction Centre with overspill parking well marked and a highly efficient Park & Ride bus service from Grimston Bar, signposted from the A64 that offers easy car parking.

Yorkshire Agricultural Machinery Show returns on 8 February

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